Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Prayers of the People: Show Us the Way

One of the first tasks I took on for the liturgy team was to write the Prayers of the People that we used during September, 2007. I did some web searching for an appropriate set, but ended up deciding to write my own, based on some that I had read online. Here is what we used. (The leader or Deacon prays -- not reads! -- the part following her prompt, and the congregation responds using the text in bold faced print):

Deacon: Let us pray that we may walk with our Creator, and in doing so may model God's grace to this world.

Leader: Almighty and everlasting Creator, you made the universe with all its marvelous order, its atoms, worlds, and galaxies, and the infinite complexity of living creatures. Grant that, as we probe the mysteries of your creation, we may come to know you more truly, and more surely fulfill our role in your eternal purpose.

Teach us, and show us the way.

Leader: Help us to live together in unity, recognizing and honoring our differences while we strive to live and work together to bring about your vision for this creation.

Teach us, and show us the way.

Leader: Give us wisdom, and help us to see the pathways to peace in all of our interactions with our neighbors and ourselves.

Guide us, and show us the way.

Leader: We pray particularly for our nation and its leaders, that as a nation we may act with wisdom and patience in this world, and that we may be agents of your good nature in all of our interactions.

Guide them, and show them the way.

Leader: We ask that you would guide our clergy in your paths, that they may help us to follow you joyously. We pray particularly for our presiding bishop Katherine, for Kirk our bishop, and for Liz, Bob and Wendy, our clergy.

Help them to walk in your ways.

Leader: We pray for those amongst us that need healing of body, mind and spirit, especially for...

Great healer, we ask that you

grant them health and wholeness, that they may walk unencumbered on your paths.

Leader: We pray for those that have found rest in you, and for their families, especially for ...

We remember their lives. Help us to honor their memory by

showing us the way.

Leader: Great Creator, we ask that you

Teach us your paths, Guide us in your ways, and Help us to follow you faithfully throughout our days. Amen.

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